Global Job Search - What Makes Us Different

What Makes our Global Job Search and Career Coaching Different
There are many firms that say they can assist you with your Global Job Search and Career Coaching. From professional resume writers, to career coaches, and executive recruiters. Global Expansion, Inc. is a Global Job Search & Career Coaching company helping Executive Level Job Seekers, find their next role, all around the world. We ARE NOT Recruiters. Our clients are not companies, they are individual job seekers like you. We don't have open job requisitions that we 're trying to fill. We actually work in reverse. We learn all about your career and write about it in a detailed and comprehensive resume, and then look for positions that match your background. Not try to fit you into a specific position
Over my 40-year career, I have been on hundreds of interviews, hired hundreds more while working for my 4 companies (3 global), several Fortune 500 companies, as well as placing hundreds more around the world as a global recruiter. In addition, I have personally reviewed over 500,000 resumes & bios, written hundreds of resumes, reviewed over 100,000 job descriptions, personally written several hundred more along with personally writing hundreds of offer letters of employment. In addition, we have applied to tens of thousands of positions for our clients.
Job Hunting - like everything else meaningful in life, takes training to get good at it. You don’t just find a get a great job. You find and win a great job against a pool of very competitive candidates who may want that job as much, if not more than you do. Finding and winning a great job is a competitive sport that requires career athleticism, perseverance, and the ability to handle rejection. You must be in the finest career shape possible in order to win and there is very little luck involved, especially at the senior level. You might not have the experience, tools, or the time to tackle a very steep learning curve. There is where a company like ours can help.
We have a very detailed process to capture your background and experience of your entire career combined with the types of positions you are seeking and execute a detailed roadmap of finding you the right job. How do we do this? By using all the resources available and looking in the right places. Our focus is helping global professionals put all the pieces together to develop a comprehensive job search strategy.
Early in my career I worked for large global Fortune 500 companies where my role was in preparing financial presentations for the Boards of Directors. This taught me how to effectively, accurately, and persuasively write and present complex information in a very easy to read style.
One of my first companies was a Management Consulting firm where I wrote Business Plans for startups and expanding companies. I would prepare both the financial and economic models along with the marketing, strategy, competitive analysis HR, Technology, and Facilities Plans. Over the course of this company, I wrote over 100 – 100 page plans in dozens of industries with different structures, revenue models and cost models. During this process, I had to condense the 100-page business plan into a 2-pagr Executive Summary and then condense that into a one paragraph summary. This experience comes in handy when I have to ask the right questions for an executive’s 25-year career, gather 25 pages of notes and then condense that into a few paragraph professional summary, and then condense that into a 120 character headline for LinkedIn.
His History
When I started my first job search in 1984 – there was no internet, no personal computers, no
Earned a Bachelor’s Degree is Business Administration with a focus on Finance and Economics
First Job was as a Travel & Entertainment Accountant at Goldman Sachs
Financial Analyst for a Publishing Company
A Financial Controller for a Global Architecture and Engineering Firm
Manager of Finance for a Global Logistics and Transportation Company
Earned a Master’s Degree in Finance and Entrepreneurship
Founded 3 Global Companies
Foreign Translations, Inc. - A global language translation and interpreting firm with over 3000 translators in 50 countries
Foreign Staffing, Inc. - A global staffing and recruiting firm sourcing and recruiting locally in over 100 countries
Global Expansion, Inc. - A global Career & Job Search Coaching, Outplacement and Career Transition firm helping job seekers all around the world
LinkedIn Page -
Benefits of Working With Us
You will have an updated resume that will tell your best story
Your LinkedIn profile will be professional, updated and optimized
You’ll know exactly which job boards you should be on
You will receive more invitations to interview
You will learn how to better prepare for these interviews
You will receive more job offers
Been recently laid off from your job? Our Career & Job Search Coaching Services will get you back to work quicker!
You will learn how to develop a multifaceted, comprehensive approach to your job search
Our services will help you get started and provide a step by step system for landing your next job
You will be asked the right questions to better understand your background and experience
You will be shown a comprehensive approach to land a new position 3x faster & for a greater salary
We blow-up your resume and completely re-write it
You will have the best and most up to date resume structure and format
You will have a thorough and compelling professional summary.
You will be consistently be in the top 5% that make it past the first screening of your resume
You will now have a professional, custom, cover letter that is unique to your background and the positions you are applying for
You will be able to take advantage of our hundreds of hours of training using the job boards as an applicant, hiring manager & recruiter to optimize your profile so you can be found by hiring managers & recruiters
You will have the most accurate automated daily job alerts that come to your email each and every day
Your LinkedIn profile will be updated and optimized by creating a compelling headline, professional summary, position descriptions using roles, responsibilities, achievements & accomplishments and selecting and optimizing the skills and recommendation sections