How Your Company Can Attain Global Success… Just Like Amazon

By Jacob Maines on Jun 17, 2015

Attain Global Success

This article offers valuable insight about methods to attain the industry-leading success achieved by The information about key assets to help your business is detailed and proven, as the tactics described are the same ones we at Foreign Staffing Inc. apply every day.  If your business aspires for international digital prosperity, this article is for you. has attained undeniable notoriety as the world leader in internet e-commerce.  Considering all of the steps the company took since its beginnings as a pioneer in the online sales industry, it is clear that because of the company’s clearly formulated proper vision, it was able to tailor every strategy toward garnering massive market share.  So what were the catalysts to Amazon’s success that allowed the internet book retailer to diversify into essentially all retail sales and become an international powerhouse?

CEO with a Vision and a Plan

Business owners and entrepreneurs from organizations of any and all sizes must have long-term visions and detailed strategic plans to reach them.  While certainly many never imagined Amazon’s transition from book retailer to international e-commerce leader, at some point, CEO Jeff Bezos recognized this was his vision for the company. Through strategic partnerships with companies such as Toys R Us and Target, Amazon’s online interface and brand gained fortitude. And although current net profits have dipped into the red, there are still great expectations for the company. Given the CEO’s history of success, stakeholders continue to stand by the company.

Utility Maximization for Users

Not only does the Amazon’s service benefit buyers and sellers immensely, the website is convenient and extremely user-friendly.  And while does offer listings from other on-line retailers such as Target, users all too often choose Amazon’s site rather than the original retailer’s site due to multiple factors. Buyer utility is maximized through the quality control and customer service implemented by Amazon in its packaging and shipping processes. These lead to a lower cost created by the competition between Amazon’s numerous suppliers and the time and effort saved by users, thanks to the ease of searching, purchasing, and acquiring goods across the site.

Customer Service is, at its roots, a value added service. While there are a few Amazon specific products, the majority of Amazon’s value as a firm is hinged on logistical efficiency.  The company offers a service that many users could potentially find elsewhere, or avoid having to use if circumstances deemed otherwise better.  And because of this, customer service is paramount to the success of this type of firm. Transparency of delivery information, accommodating buyer and seller issues accordingly, and ensuring ease of use for all parties are the keys to Amazon’s market share retention.

Note from

We at Foreign Expansio, Inc. have meticulously analyzed’s successes and try to emulate many of the world leader’s characteristics. Our multilingual international staffing and recruiting services provides the same type of positive experiences that Amazon provides its customers.  With our 25-step Foreign Advantage Candidate Screening (FACS)™ process, diverse and accredited client base, and stringent customer service standards, our clients and candidates enjoy a mutually beneficial experience.

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